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منتدي لعلوم الطب البيطري وما يشملها

    طرق السيطره علي طفيليات الخيول


    المساهمات : 2533
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/03/2010
    العمر : 63
    الموقع : O.KATTAB@YAHOO.COM

    طرق السيطره علي طفيليات الخيول Empty طرق السيطره علي طفيليات الخيول

    مُساهمة من طرف admin الجمعة أكتوبر 05, 2012 7:32 pm

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
    note Quest has a lower safety margin than Ivermectin products, meaning
    that it requires a more exact dose. Therefore it is not recommended in
    young, debilitated, or older horses.

    The Daily Dewormer Option:
    Daily fed Strongid in addition to two doses of Ivermectin and Ivermectin/Praziquantel product:
    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

    What happened to a rotation schedule, you may be asking?
    on farm that use a rotation schedule showed that the only effective
    dewormings are those done with Ivermectin product. Single dose
    Fenbendazole and Pyrantel products are no longer effective for adult
    horse dewormings due to resistance. Please note that individual
    deworming routines may vary for different farms. A farm with a small
    amount of acreage and large population of horses may require more
    frequent dewormings.

    Recommended Foal Deworming Program
    are more susceptible to roundworm (ascarids) infestations than adults
    who develop a resistance over time. Since worm burdens can be high in
    foals, they may require monthly dewormings as described below.

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

    can also be given daily feed dewormer in combination with Ivermectin
    products, but it is suggested that tehy are weaned first before starting
    this program. This is to insure that the foal is ingesting the proper
    dosage of dewormer.

    Foals Need Special Consideration
    - Early experimental work has shown some breakthrough of large
    strongyles in foals on Strongid pellets. Also known is that all classes
    of dewormers are not as effective in foals:

    • If on contaminated pastures:
    at one month of age, use ivermectin at 1.5 times the recommended dosage
    monthly for the first year. At 6 months of age you should use one of
    the ivermectin/praziquantel products. At a year of age the horse can be
    put into the adult deworming schedule.

    • If on clean pasture:
    are acutely sesitive to parasites especially round worms. Damage can
    occur prior to the appearance of eggs in the fecal. It is best to deworm
    at a month of ag with a 1.5 times the recommended dosage of ivermectin
    and then put into the adult deworming program.

    Deworming the
    Debilitated Horse - Great care must be used in approaching deworming a
    horse that might be heavily parasitized. Whenever adult or larval stages
    of most parasites are killed, bleeding and inflammation is created in
    the wall of the bowel. Also, in the case of round worms or more rarely
    tapes, there is the potential for a physical obstruction when high
    numbers of this rather large parasite are present. A fecal flotation for
    parasite eggs should identify this condition and should have been part
    of an initial exam.

    When this problem is identified or even just
    suspected, care should be used in the initial dewormings to avoid a
    rapid kill off of large numbers of parasites. There is no concrete
    information on what is a safe way to do this and it would probably
    depend on a number of factors that include condition of the horse, age,
    type of parasites present, and number of parasites present. The
    following recommendation should work in most scenarios and is very

    • Remove the horse from contact with other horses and further contact with areas contaminated by parasite larvae.

    Begin with a dose of a good quality fenbendizole paste dewormer like
    Panacur or Anthelcide or a dose of a pyrantel-based dewormer like
    Strongid paste.
    • If the horse tolerates this well for seven days you can give a whole dose of the dewormer.
    • If the horse tolerates this well for seven days give a dose of ivermectin-based dewormer.
    • If the horse tolerates this well for the following week give a whole dose of ivermectin-based dewormer.

    monthly with ivermectin or place the horse on Strongid granules until
    the horse returns to good condition and the horse can be placed in the
    regular deworming routine at this time. Signs of intolerance would
    include diarrhea, colic, black stools or blood in the stools,
    respiratory difficulties or weakness, within the next three days of
    deworming. Once treated and recovered from the reaction repeat the last
    step before going on.

    Parasite Control: Waging War on Equine
    Parasites from AAEP
    parasites are silent killers. They can cause extensive internal damage,
    and you may not even realize your animals are heavily infected. At the
    very least, parasites can lower resistance, rob the horse of valuable
    nutrients, and cause gastrointestinal irritation and unthriftiness. At
    their worst, they can lead to colic,
    intestinal ruptures, and death.

    terms of management priorities, establishing an effective parasite
    control program is probably second only to supplying the horse with
    clean, plentiful water and high quality feed. It's that important!
    are more than 150 internal parasites that afflict horses, including
    several major species. Among the most common and troublesome are:

    • Large strongyles (bloodworms)
    • Small strongyles
    • Ascarids
    • Pinworms
    • Bots
    • Tapeworms
    • Threadworms
    • Lungworms

    or all of these parasites can be present in the horse at one time, but
    they may be at different stages in their life cycles. This will
    influence the deworming program needed to combat them. Also, keep in
    mind that some species can lay more than 200,000 eggs a day, so parasite
    loads can escalate quickly.


    parasites harm the horse in different ways. They can damage tissues and
    vital organs, including the major blood vessels to the intestines,
    lungs, liver, stomach, and intestines, as they migrate through the
    horse's system to complete their life cycles. They can cause
    obstructions and ulcerations within the horse's digestive tract, and
    they can also cause intense irritation as they lay eggs, such as
    pinworms do.
    Contrary to
    popular belief, many horses that have dangerous parasite levels appear
    to be perfectly healthy. From the outside they may be fat, sleek and
    shiny, while on the inside the worms are doing irreparable damage. But
    in other horses, especially young horses, parasites can take a visible
    toll. Signs of infestation might
    • Dull, rough hair coat
    • Weight loss
    • Tail rubbing in hair loss
    • Colic
    • Depression
    • Unthriftiness or loss of condition
    • Lethargy or decreased stamina
    • Coughing and/or nasal discharge
    • Resistance to the bit due to mouth lesions
    • Summer sores
    • Loss of appetite
    • Diarrhea
    of the most under-utilized tools in an effective parasite control
    program is the fecal examination, which merely involves taking two to
    three fresh fecal balls to your veterinarian for laboratory analysis.
    This simple process can identify the specific parasites infecting a
    horse. Rarely are the worms themselves visible in the manure. But by
    counting the types and numbers of parasite eggs present in the fecal
    sample, your veterinarian can recommend the right deworming agents to do
    the job. Fecal eggs per gram counts (EPG) also tell an owner about the
    degree of parasite infestation on a farm or within a herd. The fecal
    exam is a cost-effective follow-up to deworming to determine whether the
    dewormer has worked. It's good practice to do a fecal EPG count within
    two weeks after deworming.

    There are three primary ways of administering dewormers. They are:
    1. Oral paste syringe
    2. Nasogastric tube (tubing)
    3. Feed additive

    three methods are effective. The key is that the deworming product must
    be given in the proper dose at the proper time, and that it is fully
    consumed and retained by the animal. Deworming pastes and feed
    formulations have come into widespread use because of convenience and
    ease of administration. They are a good choice as long as the horse
    ingests the entire dose. (The dose must be calculated based on the
    horse's weight.) The problem is that some horses may find them
    unpalatable and spit them out. Tube deworming, once the method of
    choice, is still a highly effective means of controlling parasites. The
    advantage of administering dewormers via a nasogastric tube is that the
    veterinarian can ensure the proper dose is delivered directly to the
    horse's stomach. The disadvantage is that it causes the animal temporary
    discomfort when it is passed through the nostrils and down the
    esophagus into the stomach. Because of the skill required to safely
    insert the tube, only a veterinarian should perform this method of
    The best way
    to set up a deworming schedule is to consult your veterinarian. Horses
    at different ages and stages have varying needs concerning parasite
    control. For example, young foals are especially susceptible to ascarid
    (roundworm) infestation, and may require deworming at thirty-day
    intervals until they build some
    natural resistance. Older horses
    turned out on a large acreage might do well on a semiannual schedule.
    And some owners may prefer to have their horses on a continuous control
    program whereby the horse is given a daily dose of dewormer through a
    feed additive. Climatic conditions and season of year can also influence
    levels. Your veterinarian may recommend that you concentrate deworming
    efforts when your horse's exposure to parasites is at its peak. Other
    veterinarians may prefer that you deworm at regular intervals, such as
    every sixty to ninety days. Still others may recommend that you prevent
    parasitism with a daily dewormer. In any case, the goal is to keep
    parasite loads to a minimum.

    chemical control is just one part of a total parasite control plan.
    Since parasites are primarily transferred through manure, good
    management is also key.

    You should:
    • Pick up and dispose of manure droppings on a regular basis (at least twice weekly)
    • Mow and harrow pastures regularly to break up manure piles and expose parasite eggs and larvae to the elements

    Rotate pastures by allowing other livestock, such as sheep or cattle,
    to graze them, thereby interrupting the life cycles of equine parasites

    • Group horses by age to reduce exposure to certain parasites and maximize the deworming program geared to that group

    • Keep the number of horses per acre to a minimum to prevent overgrazing and reduce the fecal contamination per acre

    • Use a feeder for hay and grain rather than feeding on the ground

    • Remove bot eggs quickly and regularly from the horse's hair coat to prevent ingestion

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