مصري فيت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نامل ان تكون في اتم صحه وعافيه

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مصري فيت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نامل ان تكون في اتم صحه وعافيه

مصري فيت

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مصري فيت

منتدي لعلوم الطب البيطري وما يشملها



    المساهمات : 2533
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/03/2010
    العمر : 63
    الموقع : O.KATTAB@YAHOO.COM


    مُساهمة من طرف admin الأربعاء يونيو 22, 2011 6:53 pm

    1[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

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    Molluscum Contagiosum

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    Over the past thirty years or so, most of us have become aware of the
    need to engage in safe sexual practices. In order to prevent
    contracting one of the many types of STDs out there, it is
    necessary to wear a condom or abstain from sexual
    activities. One type of STD that is now increasing in frequency is
    Molluscum Contagiosum. Molluscum contagiosum appears as a skin rash on
    various areas of the body. Though of little threat to your physical
    health, molluscum contagiosum can be an uncomfortable and lingering
    disease to contract.
    What is Molluscum Contagiosum?
    contagiosum is a skin infection that is caused by a virus called the
    Poxvirus. It causes a rash of tiny sores that can appear on areas of
    your skin or on the mucus glands of your eyes, mouth, nose, or genitals.
    Affecting almost 8% of the world's population, molluscum contagiosum
    can affect men, women, and children. There are few health risks
    associated with molluscum contagiosum, however, the infection can be
    quite uncomfortable and long lasting.
    How Do You Get Molluscum Contagiosum?
    contagiosum is contracted when you engage in skin-to-skin contact with
    an infected person. In adults, this skin-to-skin contact is generally
    in the form of sexual activity, including:

    • vaginal sex
    • oral sex
    • anal sex

    However, molluscum contagiosum can also be picked up by handling an
    infected person's clothes or towels, or bathing with an infected person.
    Who's At Risk for Contracting Molluscum Contagiosum?
    Everyone, including adults and children are at risk for contracting
    this skin disease. Children between the ages of two and twelve are the
    most susceptible to the illness because they haven't had the chance to
    build up immunity to the virus. Adults are also at risk, particularly
    those who:

    • engage in unprotected sexual activity
    • engage in mutual masturbation
    • share towels, bedding or clothes

    The highest incidences of molluscum contagiosum occur in tropical and
    warm climates around the world. Overall infection rates are
    approximately 5% to 8% of the population. Additionally, up to 20% of
    people with active HIV have
    mulluscum contagiosum/.
    Symptoms of Molluscum Contagiosum
    The main
    symptom of molluscum contagiosum is the appearance of a red or flesh
    colored rash on certain areas of the body. This rash is made up of
    individual lesions called molluscum. The molluscum usually:

    • appear within two to seven weeks of infection
    • grow in clusters of two or more
    • grow to between two and five millimeters in diameter
    • have indented centers
    • grow on the genitals, thighs, and lower abdomen (in adults)

    The molluscum are usually painless, however, they sometimes cause
    intense itchiness. If scratched, you can move the poxvirus along to
    other parts of your skin, where new molluscum rashes will grow.
    Complications of Molluscum Contagiosum
    contagiosum usually causes no health related issues. However, it is
    possible that your infection will last for a lengthy amount of time.
    Because it is so easy to spread the virus to other areas of your body
    (through scratching), many infections last six months or longer. If you
    scratch at molluscum contagiosum lesions you also put yourself at risk
    for infection. Serious infection can result in permanent scarring.
    Treating Molluscum Contagiosum
    contagiosum usually resolves without any type of treatment. However, it
    can take a while for the virus to disappear, and may be unpleasant for
    you or others to look at. In these cases, mulluscum contagiosum can be
    treated by your health care practitioner. Treatment usually involves
    removing the molluscum in order to prevent it from spreading to other
    body parts. Molloscum contagiosum treatment includes:

    • Cryosurgery: During cryosurgery, your health care
      provider will apply liquid nitrogen or dry ice to your sores. After a
      few seconds, the lesion will be frozen and fall off. Cryosurgery is
      relatively pain-free.
    • Evisceration: Evisceration involves removing the
      core of the molluscum lesion. This prevents it from growing and stops
      the spread of the rash. Evisceration is generally done with a scalpel.
    • Curettage: Curettage involves scraping the lesions
      off of the surface of your skin. It also allows for biopsies of the
      lesions to take place, allowing for accurate diagnosis. Topical pain
      relievers are usually administered prior to this type of treatment.

    Preventing Molluscum Contagiosum
    You can reduce
    your risk of contracting molluscum contagiosum by following a few simple
    health and safety tips.

    • When engaging in any type of sexual activity, be sure to use proper
      protection. Using a condom
      can significantly reduce your risk of contracting an STD.
    • Limit your number of sexual partners.
    • Get tested regularly for STDs, and examine your body for signs of
      any lesions or outbreaks.
    • If you know someone who is infected with the disease, avoiding
      sharing clothing, towels, or bedding with that person. Also be sure to
      avoid skin-to-skin contact.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد سبتمبر 22, 2024 3:33 am