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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نامل ان تكون في اتم صحه وعافيه

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مصري فيت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نامل ان تكون في اتم صحه وعافيه

مصري فيت

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مصري فيت

منتدي لعلوم الطب البيطري وما يشملها

    مرض/HEPATITIS/ D


    المساهمات : 2533
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/03/2010
    العمر : 63
    الموقع : O.KATTAB@YAHOO.COM

    مرض/HEPATITIS/ D Empty مرض/HEPATITIS/ D

    مُساهمة من طرف admin الأربعاء يونيو 22, 2011 6:31 pm


    In this study, a
    method based on Principle Component Analysis and Least Square Support
    Vector Machine Classifier for Expert Hepatitis Diagnosis System
    (PCA–LSSVM) is introduced. This intelligent diagnosis system deals with
    combination of the feature extraction and classification. This
    intelligent hepatitis diagnosis system is separated into two phases: (1)
    the feature extraction from hepatitis diseases database and feature
    reduction by PCA, (2) the classification by LSSVM classifier. The
    hepatitis diseases features were obtained from UCI Repository of Machine
    Learning Databases. The number of these feature attributes are 19.
    Then, number of these features was reduced to 10 from 19 by using PCA.
    In second phase, these reduced features are given to inputs LSSVM
    classifier. The correct diagnosis performance of the PCA–LSSVM
    intelligent diagnosis system for hepatitis disease is estimated by using
    classification accuracy, sensitivity and specifity analysis

    Keywords: UCI Hepatitis database; Principle
    Component Analysis; Intelligent system; Least Square Support Vector
    Machine Classifier
    Weak T-cell reactivity to the
    hepatitis B virus (HBV) is believed to be the dominant cause of chronic
    HBV infection. Several lines of experimental evidence suggest that
    treatment with telbivudine increases the rate of HBV e antigen (HBeAg)
    loss, undetectable HBV DNA, and normalization of serum alanine
    aminotransferase (ALT) in chronic hepatitis B patients (CHB). However,
    it is still unclear how early antiviral therapy affects cellular immune
    responses during sustained telbivudine treatment. In order to
    investigate this issue, we measured detailed prospective clinical,
    virological, and biochemical parameters, and we examined the frequency
    of T cell subgroups as well as the ability of peripheral blood
    mononuclear cells (PBMC) to respond to stimuli at five protocol time
    points for 51 CHB patients who received telbivudine therapy for one
    year. The preliminary data from this study revealed that
    effective-treated patients showed an increased frequency of peripheral
    blood CD4+T lymphocytes, an augmented proliferative response
    of HBV-specific T-cells to the hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg), and the
    induction of cytokines, such as interferon gamma (IFN-γ), tumour
    necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) release at the site of infection compared
    to non-responsive patients. Enhanced HBV-specific T-cell reactivity to
    telbivudine therapy, which peaked at treatment week 12, was confined to a
    subgroup of effective-treated patients who achieved greater viral

    Hepatitis D
    and external resources

    Hepatitis D, also referred to as hepatitis D virus (HDV)
    and classified as Hepatitis delta virus, is a disease
    caused by a small circular enveloped RNA
    virus. It is one of five known hepatitis
    viruses: A, B,
    D, and E. HDV is considered to be a subviral satellite because it can
    propagate only in the presence of the hepatitis
    B virus (HBV).[1]
    Transmission of HDV can occur either via simultaneous infection with
    HBV (coinfection) or superimposed on chronic
    hepatitis B or hepatitis B carrier state (superinfection).
    Both superinfection and coinfection with HDV results in more severe
    complications compared to infection with HBV alone. These complications
    include a greater likelihood of experiencing liver failure in acute
    infections and a rapid progression to liver cirrhosis,
    with an increased chance of developing liver
    cancer in chronic infections.[2]
    In combination with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis D has the highest
    mortality rate of all the hepatitis infections of 20%.



    • 1 Virology

      • 1.1 History
      • 1.2 Structure and Genome
      • 1.3 Life Cycle
      • 1.4 Delta antigens

    • 2 Transmission
    • 3 See also
    • 4 References
    • 5 External links

    [edit] Virology

    [edit] History

    Hepatitis D virus was first reported in the mid-1970s, as a nuclear
    antigen in patients infected with HBV who had severe liver disease [3]
    This nuclear antigen was then thought to be a hepatitis B antigen and
    was called the delta antigen. Following experiments in chimpanzees
    showed that the hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) was a structural part of a
    pathogen that required HBV infection to replicate[4]
    The entire virus was cloned and sequenced in 1986, and obtained its own
    genus deltavirus [5][6]
    [edit] Structure and Genome

    The HDV is a small, spherical virus with a 36 nm diameter. It has an
    outer coat containing three HBV envelope proteins (called large, medium,
    and small hepatitis B surface antigens, and host lipids surrounding an
    inner nucleocapsid. The nucleocapsid contains single-stranded, circular
    RNA of 1679 nucleotides and about 200 molecules of hepatitis D antigen
    (HDAg) for each genome. The hepatitis D circular genome is unique to
    animal viruses because of its high GC nucleotide content. The HDV genome
    exists as an enveloped negative sense, single-stranded, closed circular
    nucleotide sequence is 70% self-complementary,
    allowing the genome to form a partially double stranded RNA structure
    that is described as rod-like.[7]
    With a genome of approximately 1700 nucleotides, HDV is the smallest
    "virus" known to infect animals. It has been proposed that HDV may have
    originated from a class of plant viruses called viroids.[8][9]
    [edit] Life Cycle

    The receptor that HDV recognizes on human hepatocytes has not been
    identified; however it is thought to be the same as the HBV receptor
    because both viruses have the same outer coat.[10]
    HDV recognizes its receptor via the N-terminal domain of the large
    hepatitis B surface antigen, HBsAg.[11]
    Mapping by mutagenesis of this domain has shown that aminoacid residues
    9-15 make up the receptor binding site.[12]
    After entering the hepatocyte, the virus is uncoated and the
    nucleocapsid translocated to the nucleus due to a signal in HDAg[13]
    Since the nucleocapsid does not contain an RNA polymerase to replicate
    the virus’ genome, the virus makes use of the cellular RNA
    polymerases Initially just RNA pol II,[14][15]
    now RNA polymerases I and III have also been shown to be involved in
    HDV replication[16]
    Normally RNA polymerase II utilizes DNA as a template and produces
    mRNA. Consequently, if HDV indeed utilizes RNA polymerase II during
    replication, it would be the only known pathogen capable of using a
    DNA-dependent polymerase as an RNA-dependent polymerase.
    The RNA polymerases treat the RNA genome as double stranded DNA due
    to the folded rod-like structure it is in. Three forms of RNA are made;
    circular genomic RNA, circular complementary antigenomic RNA, and a
    linear polyadenylated antigenomic RNA, which is the mRNA containing the
    open reading frame for the HDAg. Synthesis of antigenomic RNA occurs in
    the nucleous, mediated by RNA Pol I, whereas synthesis of genomic RNA
    takes place in the nucleoplasm, mediated by RNA Pol II.[17]
    HDV RNA is synthesized first as linear RNA that contains many copies of
    the genome. The genomic and antigenomic RNA contain a sequence of 85
    nucleotides that acts as a ribozyme, which self-cleaves the linear RNA
    into monomers. This monomers are then ligated to form circular RNA [18][19]
    There are eight reported genotypes of HDV with unexplained variations
    in their geographical distribution and pathogenicity.
    [edit] Delta antigens

    A significant difference between viroids and HDV is that, while
    viroids produce no proteins, HDAg is the only protein known to be coded
    for by the HDV genome. It consist of two forms; a 27kDa large-HDAg, and a
    small-HDAg of 24kDa. The N-terminals of the two forms are identical,
    they differ by 19 more amino acids in the C-terminal of the large HDAg.[20]
    Both isoforms are produced from the same reading frame which contains
    an UAG stop codon at codon 196, which normally produces only the
    small-HDAg. However, editing by cellular enzyme adenosine deaminase-1
    changes the stop codon to UCG, allowing the large-HDAg to be produced [20][21]
    Despite having 90% identical sequences, these two proteins play
    diverging roles during the course of an infection. HDAg-S is produced in
    the early stages of an infection and enters the nucleus and supports
    viral replication. HDAg-L, in contrast, is produced during the later
    stages of an infection, acts as an inhibitor of viral replication, and
    is required for assembly of viral particles.[22][23][24]
    Thus RNA editing by the cellular enzymes is critical to the virus’ life
    cycle because it regulates the balance between viral replication and
    virion assembly.
    [edit] Transmission

    The routes of transmission of hepatitis D are similar to those for
    hepatitis B. Infection is largely restricted to persons at high risk of
    hepatitis B infection, particularly injecting drug users and persons
    receiving clotting factor concentrates. Worldwide more than 15 million
    people are co-infected. HDV is rare in most developed countries, and is mostly associated with intravenous drug use. However, HDV is much more common in
    the immediate Mediterranean region, sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle
    East, and the northern part of South America.[25]
    In all, about 20 million people may be infected with HDV.[26]
    [edit] See also

    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B in China
    • Hepatitis C
    • Hepatitis E
    • Hepatitis F
    • Hepatitis G

    [edit] References

    1. ^ Makino S, Chang MF, Shieh CK et al. (1987).
      "Molecular cloning and sequencing of a human hepatitis delta (delta)
      virus RNA". Nature 329 (6137): 343–6. doi:10.1038/329343a0. PMID 3627276.
    2. ^ Fattovich G, Giustina G, Christensen E et al.
      (March 2000). "Influence of hepatitis delta virus
      infection on morbidity and mortality in compensated cirrhosis type B.
      The European Concerted Action on Viral Hepatitis (Eurohep)". Gut
      46 (3): 420–6. doi:10.1136/gut.46.3.420. PMC 1727859. PMID 10673308. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
    3. ^ Rizzetto, M; Canese MG, Arico S, Criello O,
      Trepo C, Bonino F, Verme G (1997). "Immunofluorescence detection of new
      antigen-antibody system (delta/anti-delta) associated to hepatitis B
      virus in liver and in serum of HBsAg carriers". Gut 18
      (12): 997–1003. PMC 1411847. PMID 75123.
    4. ^ Rizzetto, M; Canese, MG, Purcell, RH, London,
      WT, Sly, LD, Gerin, JL (1981 Nov-Dec). "Experimental HBV and delta
      infections of chimpanzees: occurrence and significance of intrahepatic
      immune complexes of HBcAg and delta antigen". Hepatology (Baltimore,
      1 (6): 567–74. PMID 7030907.
    5. ^ Wang, KS; Choo, QL, Weiner, AJ, Ou, JH,
      Najarian, RC, Thayer, RM, Mullenbach, GT, Denniston, KJ, Gerin, JL,
      Houghton, M (1986 Oct 9-15). "Structure, sequence and expression of the
      hepatitis delta (delta) viral genome". Nature 323 (6088):
      508–14. doi:10.1038/323508a0. PMID 3762705.
    6. ^ Fauquet, CM; Mayo MA, Maniloff J, Desselberger
      U, Ball LA (2005). "Deltavirus". Eight Report of the International
      Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. London
      : 735–8.
    7. ^ Saldanha JA, Thomas HC, Monjardino JP (July
      1990). "Cloning and sequencing of RNA of
      hepatitis delta virus isolated from human serum". J. Gen. Virol.
      71 ( Pt 7) (7): 1603–6. doi:10.1099/0022-1317-71-7-1603. PMID 2374010. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
    8. ^ Elena SF, Dopazo J, Flores R, Diener TO, Moya A
      (July 1991). "Phylogeny of viroids, viroidlike
      satellite RNAs, and the viroidlike domain of hepatitis delta virus RNA".
      Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 88 (13): 5631–4. doi:10.1073/pnas.88.13.5631. PMC 51931. PMID 1712103. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
    9. ^ Sureau, C (2006). "The role of the HBV
      envelope proteins in the HDV replication cycle". Current topics in
      microbiology and immunology
      . Current Topics in Microbiology and
      Immunology 307: 113–31. doi:10.1007/3-540-29802-9_6. ISBN 978-3-540-29801-4. PMID 16903223.
    10. ^ Barrera, A; Guerra, B, Notvall, L, Lanford, RE
      (2005 Aug). "Mapping of the hepatitis B virus pre-S1 domain involved in
      receptor recognition". Journal of virology 79 (15):
      9786–98. doi:10.1128/JVI.79.15.9786-9798.2005.
      PMC 1181564. PMID 16014940.
    11. ^ Engelke, M; Mills, K, Seitz, S, Simon, P,
      Gripon, P, Schnölzer, M, Urban, S (2006 Apr). "Characterization of a
      hepatitis B and hepatitis delta virus receptor binding site". Hepatology
      (Baltimore, Md.)
      43 (4): 750–60. doi:10.1002/hep.21112. PMID 16557545.
    12. ^ Schulze, A; Schieck, A, Ni, Y, Mier, W, Urban,
      S (2010 Feb). "Fine mapping of pre-S sequence requirements for
      hepatitis B virus large envelope protein-mediated receptor interaction".
      Journal of virology 84 (4): 1989–2000. doi:10.1128/JVI.01902-09. PMC 2812397. PMID 20007265.
    13. ^ Xia, YP; Yeh, CT, Ou, JH, Lai, MM (1992 Feb).
      "Characterization of nuclear targeting signal of hepatitis delta
      antigen: nuclear transport as a protein complex". Journal of virology
      66 (2): 914–21. PMC 240792. PMID 1731113.
    14. ^ Lehmann E, Brueckner F, Cramer P (November
      2007). "Molecular basis of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase II activity". Nature
      450 (7168): 445–9. doi:10.1038/nature06290. PMID 18004386.
    15. ^ Filipovska J, Konarska MM (January 2000). "Specific HDV RNA-templated
      transcription by pol II in vitro". RNA 6 (1): 41–54. doi:10.1017/S1355838200991167. PMC 1369892. PMID 10668797. [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
    16. ^ Greco-Stewart, VS; Schissel, E, Pelchat, M
      (2009-03-30). "The hepatitis delta virus RNA genome interacts with the
      human RNA polymerases I and III". Virology 386 (1): 12–5. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2009.02.007. PMID 19246067.
    17. ^ Li, YJ; Macnaughton, T, Gao, L, Lai, MM (2006
      Jul). "RNA-templated replication of hepatitis delta virus: genomic and
      antigenomic RNAs associate with different nuclear bodies". Journal of
      80 (13): 6478–86. doi:10.1128/JVI.02650-05. PMC 1488965. PMID 16775335.
    18. ^ Branch, AD; Benenfeld, BJ, Baroudy, BM, Wells,
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      RNA structural element in a viroid-like domain of the hepatitis delta
      virus". Science 243 (4891): 649–52. doi:10.1126/science.2492676. PMID 2492676.
    19. ^ Wu, HN; Lin, YJ, Lin, FP, Makino, S, Chang,
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      contain an autocleavage activity". Proceedings of the National
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      encodes the epitope(s) of both hepatitis delta antigen polypeptides p24
      delta and p27 delta". Journal of virology 62 (2): 594–9. PMC 250573. PMID 2447291.
    21. ^ Jayan, GC; Casey, JL (2002 Dec). "Inhibition
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    22. ^ Sato S, Cornillez-Ty C, Lazinski DW (August
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      large hepatitis delta antigen can indirectly regulate amber/W editing
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    23. ^ Taylor, JM (2006). "Structure and replication
      of hepatitis delta virus RNA". Current topics in microbiology and
      . Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 307:
      1–23. doi:10.1007/3-540-29802-9_1. ISBN 978-3-540-29801-4. PMID 16903218.
    24. ^ Chang, MF; Chen, CJ, Chang, SC (1994 Feb).
      "Mutational analysis of delta antigen: effect on assembly and
      replication of hepatitis delta virus". Journal of virology 68
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    25. ^ Radjef N, Gordien E, Ivaniushina V et al.
      (March 2004). "Molecular phylogenetic analyses
      indicate a wide and ancient radiation of African hepatitis delta virus,
      suggesting a deltavirus genus of at least seven major clades". J.
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    26. ^ Taylor JM (January 2006). "Hepatitis delta
      virus". Virology 344 (1): 71–6. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2005.09.033. PMID 16364738.


    The evolutionary and
    mutational pattern of full hepatitis B virus (HBV) quasispecies during
    sequential nucleos(t)ide analog (NUC) therapy remains unclear. In this
    study, full-length HBV clones were generated from serial serum samples
    of five chronic hepatitis B patients who received sequential NUC
    therapies (treated patients) and two untreated patients with acute
    flares. The evolutionary and mutational patterns of full HBV
    quasispecies were studied. In the three treated patients who received
    lamivudine as initial antiviral therapy, nucleotide polymorphism and
    nonsynonymous divergence all decreased at lamivudine breakthrough but
    increased after rescue therapies. Conversely, two other treated patients
    showed a distinct change in divergence during adefovir–telbivudine
    sequential therapies. Untreated subjects exhibited increased
    polymorphism and divergence in the preC/C region at ALT flare.
    Four of the treated patients presented amino acid changes in the “a”
    determinant during NUC therapy. All of the treated subjects showed amino
    acid changes within the known T-cell or B-cell epitopes in the surface
    or core antigen, most of which were accompanied by mutations in reverse
    transcriptase (RT) region. Co-variations in the core promoter, the preC
    region and in the known epitopes of the preS gene accompanied by RT
    mutations, were common. In untreated patients, most of these
    co-variations located in the preC/C gene. In conclusion, the
    distribution of genetic variability of HBV shows remarkably different patterns
    between the treated and untreated subjects and the quasispecies
    divergence of different regions of HBV may vary remarkably even within a
    single host.Abstract

    Die Klinik der
    Virushepatitiden B, C und D ist ähnlich, bei der akuten Infektion reicht
    sie von völlig asymptomatischem bis zu schwerem ikterischen Verlauf mit
    in seltenen Fällen auftretendem Leberversagen. Dabei verläuft die akute
    Hepatitis D schwerer und die akute Hepatitis C leichter. Die chronische
    Virushepatitis ist durch geringe oder nur wenige Symptome
    gekennzeichnet, vor allem Müdigkeit und Oberbauchschmerzen stehen im
    Vordergrund. In einem Teil der Patienten entwickeln sich über die Zeit
    Symptome des fortgeschrittenen Leberschadens und der Zirrhose.
    Die Diagnose der Hepatitis B wird durch den Nachweis
    des HBsAg gestellt, die der Hepatitis D durch das Anti-HDV. Die
    Hepatitis C wird durch die Virus-RNA diagnostiziert, als Screeningtest
    eignet sich das Anti-HCV. Zum Verlauf wird bei der Hepatitis B die
    HBV-DNA bestimmt; bei der Hepatitis C wird die Quantifizierung der
    Virus-RNA zum Therapie-Monitoring genutzt. Die Leberbiopsie hat ihren
    Stellenwert in der Bestimmung des Stadiums und der Aktivität der

    Hepatitis D virus (HDV)
    infection involves a distinct subgroup of individuals simultaneously
    infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and characterized by an often
    severe chronic liver disease. HDV is a defective RNA agent needing the
    presence of HBV for its life cycle. HDV is present worldwide, but the
    distribution pattern is not uniform. Different strains are classified
    into eight genotypes represented in specific regions and associated with
    peculiar disease outcome. Two major specific patterns of infection can
    occur, i.e. co-infection with HDV and HBV or HDV superinfection of a
    chronic HBV carrier. Co-infection often leads to eradication of both
    agents, whereas superinfection mostly evolves to HDV chronicity.
    HDV-associated chronic liver disease (chronic hepatitis D) is
    characterized by necro-inflammation and relentless deposition of
    fibrosis, which may, over decades, result in the development of
    cirrhosis. HDV has a single-stranded, circular RNA genome. The virion is
    composed of an envelope, provided by the helper HBV and surrounding the
    RNA genome and the HDV antigen (HDAg). Replication occurs in the
    hepatocyte nucleus using cellular polymerases and via a rolling circle
    process, during which the RNA genome is copied into a full-length,
    complementary RNA. HDV infection can be diagnosed by the presence of
    antibodies directed against HDAg (anti-HD) and HDV RNA in serum.
    Treatment involves the administration of pegylated interferon-α and is
    effective in only about 20% of patients. Liver transplantation is
    indicated in case of liver failure.y.  Despite recent advances in
    the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis, therapy of chronic hepatitis D
    is not yet satisfactory. The only option currently available is
    interferon-α (IFN), whose efficacy is related to the dose and duration
    of treatment. However, the rate of sustained hepatitis D virus (HDV)
    clearance after a 1-year course with high doses of standard IFN is low.
    Better results have recently been reported with pegylated IFN both in
    IFN-naïve and in previous nonresponders to standard IFN, suggesting the
    use of pegylated IFN as a first-line therapy in chronic hepatitis D.
    Nucleoside analogues that inhibit hepatitis B virus (HBV) are
    ineffective against HDV and combination therapy with lamivudine or
    ribavirin has not shown significant advantages over monotherapy with
    either standard or pegylated IFN. Because the ultimate goal of treatment
    is eradication of both HDV and HBV, in responders IFN therapy should be
    continued as long as possible until the loss of hepatitis B surface
    antigen, adjusting the dose to patient tolerance. However, because
    side-effects are common, continuous monitoring is mandatory. Although
    the first results obtained with pegylated IFN have been encouraging, the
    rate of sustained virological response is still low and the rate of
    relapse high, emphasizing the need for developing novel classes of
    antivirals specifically interfering with the life cycle of this unique

    To investigate the presence
    of serum hepatitis delta virus antigen by immunoblot and its correlation
    with other markers of active viral replication (intrahepatic hepatitis D
    antigen, IgM antibody to hepatitis D and serum hepatitis D virus RNA),
    we studied serum samples from 50 patients with chronic hepatitis D virus
    infection (38 with and 12 without intrahepatic hepatitis D antigen). Of
    the 38 patients with intrahepatic hepatitis D antigen, 27 (71%) had
    antigen detectable in seurm by immunoblot, whereas only two were
    reactive by conventional enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Thirty-one
    (82%) patients were also positive for serum hepatitis D virus RNA by
    spot hybridization and 33 (87%) were positive for IgM anti-hepatitis D
    virus. All markers were simultaneously present in 24 patients.
    Circulating hepatitis D antigen was detected in one (8%), IgM
    antihepatitis D in seven (58%) and hepatitis D virus RNA in two (17%) of
    the 12 patients who had anti-hepatitis D in serum but not detectable
    hepatitis D antigen in liver. Hepatitis D antigen was not detected in
    serum of any of the 15 control patients.
    results suggest that serum hepatitis D antigen as detected by
    immunoblot and serum hepatitis D virus RNA are similar in sensitivity
    for detection of active hepatitis D virus replication during chronic
    infection and constitute useful, sensitive and noninvasive tests for the
    diagnosis and monitoring of chronic hepatitis D virus infection.

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الأحد سبتمبر 22, 2024 3:19 am