مصري فيت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نامل ان تكون في اتم صحه وعافيه

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

مصري فيت

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته نامل ان تكون في اتم صحه وعافيه

مصري فيت

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
مصري فيت

منتدي لعلوم الطب البيطري وما يشملها

    موسوعة الادويه وجرعاتها-3


    المساهمات : 2533
    تاريخ التسجيل : 22/03/2010
    العمر : 63
    الموقع : O.KATTAB@YAHOO.COM

    موسوعة الادويه وجرعاتها-3 Empty موسوعة الادويه وجرعاتها-3

    مُساهمة من طرف admin الإثنين أغسطس 19, 2013 4:59 am

    Each 100 ML contain:
    Pentamidine base 4 GM.
    - Cattle and Sheep: Babesiosis.
    - Horses: Babesioseis, Laminitis (Founder) due to grain engorgement, Paralytic myoglobinuria (Azoturia),Trypanosomes caused by, T. Evansi, T. Equiperdum and T. Equinum.
    - Dogs: Babesiosis & Leishmaniasis.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Cattle & Sheep: By I.M.I. or I.V.I.
    2.5 - 3 mg / kg B.Wt. (1 ml/15 kg B.wt.)
    - Horses: By I.V.I. only
    2.5 - 3 mg / kg B.Wt. (1 ml/15 kg B.wt.).
    - Dogs: By I.M.I. only.
    - For Babesiosis:
    4 mg / kg B.Wt. (1 ml/10 kg B. wt.)
    The treatment is repeated after 48 hours if necessary.
    - For Leishmaniasis:
    Injection every 2 -3 days for 2 - 3 months.
    - The first 4 doses:
    2 mg / kg B.wt. (0.5 ml/10 kg B.wt.)
    - From the 5th inj.:
    3 mg / kg B.Wt. (0.5 ml / 7 kg B.wt.)
    - The last dose:
    4 mg / kg B.Wt. (1 ml /10 kg B.wt.).
    Precautions & Warnings
    - S/C injection is contraindicated in all species.
    - I.M.I inj. is contraindicated in horses.
    - I.V.I inj. is contraindicated in dogs.
    - I.M.I inj. must be deeply in multiple sites, if possible.
    - I.V.I inj. must be slowly.
    Withdrawal time
    Meat: 28 days.
    10 & 100 ML.

    Quina Ject
    Each 2.5 GM. contains:
    Quinapyramine Sulphate 1.5 GM.
    Quinapyramine Chloride 1.0 GM.
    QUINA JECT is a combintion of two salts of Quinapyramine, Sulphate salt is readily soluble and provide curative action, while Chloride salt is inssoluble and forms a depot at the site of injection and is slowly absorbed into the systemic circulatio providing prophylactic effect for up to 3 months.
    QUINA JECT for the treatment and prophylaxis of Trypansomes (T.evansi, T.vivax, T.brucei, T.equiperdum, T.equinum, T.venezuelense, T.hippicum, T.congolense, T.simiae, etc) in camels, cattle, sheep, horses, mules, donkeys, elephant, pig, dogs & cats.
    Dosage & Administration
    - By S.C Injection the dose rate is 4.4 mg/kg. B.Wt.
    - Preparation of injection:
    Add 15 ml of sterile water into the vial (2.5 gm) and shake well to make a suspension for immediate use.
    - Recommended dose of hte suspension is:
    1 ml/40 kg B.Wt.
    The same dose can be repeated every 2 - 3 months for prevention of Trypanosomes.
    Precautions & Warnings
    - QUINA JECT is safe at recommended dose, but ovedose may cause trembling, salivation and collapse; recovery is usually rapid.
    - In horses local reations to S/C inj. May occur at the sites of injection and the dose is best divided and given at 2 or 3 sites.
    - As prophylactic measure to control Trepanosomiasis.
    Max. dose not exceed 15 ml of QUINA JECT.
    - The prepared suspension for immediate use, and shake well before use.
    - Estimate live weight carefully and allow animals access to shade and water after dosing.
    Massage injection site well to disperse the durg and minimize the risk of local reactions.
    The subcutaneous injection in more than one place in debilitated animals or divide the dose at 12 hours intervals.
    Withdrawal time
    28 days.
    Vial 2.5 GM.

    Trypa Ject
    Each vial contains
    Diminazene Aceturate 1050 MG.
    Phenazone 1312 MG.
    - Treatment and control of infections by blood parasites.
    - Trypanosomes: Congolense, vivax, brucei.
    - Pyroplasma: Babesia (bovis, bigemina, ovis, motasi, canis and other species).
    - Thileria ( annulata ).
    Dosage & Administration
    For Cattle, Sheep. Horses & Camels:
    - By deep intramuscular injection.
    - 3.5 mg/ kg. B.wt. Administered in the form of 7% soln.
    - The solution is prepared by adding 12.5 ml water for injection to the vial.
    - The dose of the prepared solution is 0.5 ml/10 kg B.wt.
    - The above mentioned doses are doubled in cases of Trypanosoma brucei.
    For Dogs:
    - By deep intramuscular injection.
    - 4.2 mg/ kg B. Wt.
    - The solution is prepared by adding water for injection up to 25 ml to the vial.
    - The dose of the prepared solution is
    1 ml/10 kg B. Wt.
    - In all cases a single dose is adequate.
    Precautions & Warnings
    - I.V injection is contraindicated in all species.
    - Inject deep intramuscularly.
    - In large doses inject in several sites to avoid local pain.
    - Do not exceed the recommended dose.
    - The prepared solution is stable for 5 days at room temperature, and for 14 days in a cool place.
    Withdrawal time
    28 days.
    Vial 2.362 gm.
    Atropine Sulphate
    Each 100 ML contain:
    Atropine Sulphate 1GM.
    Atropine sulphate injection. Is an antispasmodic, decrease salivary and intestinal secretions, also decrease intestinal motility, used as antidote in organophosphorus poisoning and used as preanaesthetic.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Subcutaneous injection.
    - Horses & cattle: 30-60 mcg/kg B.wt. (0.5ml/100kg).
    - Sheep: 80-160mcg/kg B.wt. (0.25ml/25kg).
    - Dogs & cats: 30-100 mcg/kg B.wt.
    - As antidote to organophosphorus poisoning.
    - For all species of animals: 1mg/kg B.wt.
    - Repeat the dose in severe cases.
    100 ML.

    Forma Dis
    Each 100 GM contain:
    Paraformaldehyde 95 GM.
    - FORMA DIS is a paraformaldhyde, when heated a formaldehyde gas will be release and used to disinfect the poultry houses, equipments, trucks used for transportation of chicks, poultry, live stock, hatching eggs and incubators.
    - FORMA DIS is effective against vegetative bacteria, fungi and many viruses.
    - It has a slow effect on spores & acid fast bacteria.
    Dosage & Administration
    Directions for use:
    - Make the areas to be fumigated airtight as possible and free from all animals Provision is made for circulating the gas with fan and later expelling it to outside.
    - Fumigation by using any electric hot plate or any source of regulated heat, and use more than one hot plate setted in areas more than 30 cubic meter. 10 gm / 3m3.

    For rapid release of formaldehyde gas:
    Turn the hot plate to its highest heat, when a little powder sprinkled in a plate it immediately goes up in a puff of smoke, dump all the calculated amount into the hot surface and leave the room at once, allow 10 minutes or more for fumigation to be completed.

    For slow release of formaldehyde gas:
    - Dump powder on the plate when it is cold, turn on the switch of the hot plate and allow
    10 - 20 minutes for full release of gas.
    - From out side, open doors and windows to allow the gas to escape.
    - In a hatchery or incubator, turn on the exhaust fan.
    Precautions & Warnings
    - Avoid contact with eyes, inhalation of formaldehyde gas (if gas is inhaled, carry the patient to fresh air immediately, call a physician, start artificial respiration)
    - Avoid storage near food or food products, if powder is internally taken, give a table spoonful of salt with water and repeat until vomited fluids are clear, give milk or white of an egg with water and call the physician immediately.
    - Do not store near heat sources.
    - Equipments and hatching eggs should be cleaned properly.
    - High humidity is very important for the gas to be effective (supply extra moisture)
    - The gas is more effective in warmer ambient temperatures.
    - Do not re-use empty container.
    1 & 5 KG.

    Each 100 ML contains:
    Iodine 5 GM.
    Potassium Iodide 10 GM.
    Iodine has abroad microbicidal effect, disinfectant and antiseptic.
    In cattle for treatment of endometritis, pyometra, cervicitis, actinomycosis and wound therapy.
    Dosage & Administration
    - In cattle: by uterine irrigation : Endometritis, pyometra, 5ml of Lugol’s Solution in 250 ml of water.
    - Cervicitis: 1-2 ml of undiluted solution are injected into the portio utri.
    Therapy usually has to be repeated at intervals of 8-10 days.
    - Wounds: undiluted.
    125 & 1000 ML.

    Povidone Iodine
    Each 100 ML contain:
    Povidone Iodine 10 GM.
    - Equivalent to 1% available Iodine.
    - Povidone iodine is a broad spectrum microbicidal.
    - It is active against both gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria as well as fungi , protozoa spores and viruses.
    - It has an immediate onset and long duration of action , Exudates do not affect its microbicidal activities.
    - Disinfectant to the skin before operations.
    - Disinfectant to the skin wounds and mucous membranes.
    - Disinfectant to the vaginal mucous membrane after parturition.
    - Prophylactic painting of the umbilical stump in newborns.
    - Treatment of bacterial and mycotic infections of skin and mucosa.
    - Treatment of burns.
    - Treatment of mouth sores.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Local application as paint with sterile gauze or cotton.
    - Used undiluted:
    For intact skin wounds, painting of umbilical stump and ringworms.
    - Used diluted: 1:10 with normal saline for vaginal irrigation, teat dip and inflammation of mouth can be repeated if necessary.
    100 & 1000 ML.

    Each 100 GM contain:
    Methenamine 100 GM.
    It is used as urinary antiseptic and diuretic for animals.
    Dosage & Administration
    - The specified dose is dissolved in drinking water and given orally for 3 - 5 consecutive days.
    - Horses: 4-8 gm.
    - Dogs: 0.3 - 2 gm.
    - Cats: 0.2 - 0.5 gm /kg B.Wt. (1 gm / lit. of drinking water).
    - Poultry: 100 mg / kg B.Wt. (1 gm /lit. of drinking water).
    Precautions & Warnings
    - Not to be used with Sulphanomides.
    - Not to be used in Ruminants.
    - Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
    100 GM.


    Each 100 ML contains:
    Calcium Gluconate 24.17 GM.
    Anhydrous Magnesium Chloride 2.00 GM.
    Boric Acid 5.15 GM.
    Dextrose 10.00 GM.
    For the treatment and control of Ca. And Mg. Deficiency as milk fever, osteomalacia, grass tetany, during pregnancy, lactation, dehydration, poisoning and haemorrhages.
    Dosage & Administration
    - By intravenous or subcutaneous injection .
    - Cattle and Horses: 200-400 ML.
    - Sheep and Goats: 35 - 70 ML.
    - Dogs and Cats: 5 - 20 ML.
    Precautions & Warnings
    - Given slowly by I.V.I.
    - In S.C.I when the large dose is recommended you have to divide the dose , inject in several sites.
    500 ML.

    Each 100 ml contain:
    Propylene glycol 100 ML.
    - For the treatment and prevention of ketosis (acetonaemia) in cattle and pregnancy toxaemia in sheep.
    - Ketosis: is caused by accumulation of ketone bodies in the blood and tissues.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Orally
    - Cattle: 200-400ml given twice daily for 4 days.
    - Sheep: 60-100 ml givin twice daily for 4 days.
    - Side effects: Overdose may have a deleterious effect on the rumen flora ,decrease rumen motility and cause diarrhea.
    Toxicity is not great but large amount can cause incoordination and narcosis.
    1000 ML.

    Tono Ject
    Each 100 ML Contain:
    Toldimfos Sodium 20 GM.
    - Tonic: for the treatment of metabolic and nutritional disorders, debility and fatigue in large animals, debility in newly born animals, after difficult parturition and supportive treatment in sterility.
    - Skeletal defects: rickets, osteomalacia and promotion for rapid healing in bone fractures together with vitamin D preparations.
    - Tetany and paresis: (grass tetany), lactation tetany, post-parturient paresis due to the metabolic disorder of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, in this cases Tonoject administered with calcium and magnesium preparations.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Subcutaneous, intramuscular or interavenous injections.
    - The dose should be repeated at intervals of 2-3 days until recovery.
    - Large animals: 10-20 ml.
    - Small animals: 1- 3 ml.
    - According to the wieght of animals.
    - In Horses by subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, distribute the dose in several sites.
    10 & 100 ML.


    Bleed State
    Each 100 GM contains:
    Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate 84.0 gm.
    Tannic acid 1.0 gm.
    Cetrimide 0.5 gm.
    Alum ammonium 5.0 gm.
    For use as an aid in controlling minor bleeding from superficial cuts and wounds in cattle, sheep, mules & horses. And after dehorning in cattle.
    Dosage & Administration
    Apply topically to the bleeding or wounded area bandage in place if necessary.
    Precautions & Warnings
    - For external use only.
    - Do not use in deep wounds and in body cavities.
    - Do not disturb the scab formed over the wound.
    20 & 100 GM.


    Minerals & Electrolytes

    Isotonic Sodium Bicarbonate
    Each 100 ML contain:
    Sodium Bicarbonate 1.3 GM.
    Isotonic Sodium Bicarbonate is very effective for the treatment of acidosis in calves while the blood pH is reduced to 7.2 or lower. These calves are usually comatosed, 10 to 16% dehydrated, and cardiac arrhythmia Also in diarrhea the calves often have marked drop in body temperature.
    Dosage & Administration
    By intravenous injection 2 lit. / calf in the first 1-2 hours then changing to the isotonic saline and sodium bicarbonate, by giving the calf 4 lit., depending on the severity of the case, Once calves have had 3 to 4 lit. of the fluid, they bright considerably, maintain sternal recumbency, stand and start movement.
    500 ML.



    Feed Additive
    Each Kg contain:
    Biotin 20 GM.
    - Poultry & poults:
    Poor feathering, dermatitis affecting the bottom of the feet, the corner of the mouth and edge of the eyelids, fissuring of skin of feet, loss of appetite, retardation of growth and perosis.
    - Poultry & turkeys:
    Reduction in egg hatchability, scally leg and fatty liver.
    - In Equines:
    Poor hoof formation (rough hoof, surface, horizontal and /or vertical ridging, dished hooves, shallow heels), crumbling of the lower edges of the hoof walls and throwing shoes and susceptibility to damage of the hoof walls and the wall / sole junctions (white line) - loss of hair.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Chicken: 10 gm / ton feed (200 mg Biotin).
    - Turkey: 15 gm / ton feed (300 mg Biotin).
    - Horses: 1 - 1.5 gm / animal daily mixed with feed (20 - 30 mg Biotin).
    - Donkeys & Ponies: 0.25 - 0.5 gm / animal daily mixed with feed (5 - 10 mg Biotin).
    - Supplementation should be carried out daily for 6 - 9 months to animals with poor quality hoof or horn.
    1 KG.

    Broiler Premix 0.5%
    Feed Additive

    Each 1 kg contains:
    Vitamin A 2.000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 400.000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 4000 MG.
    Vitamin B1 200 MG.
    Vitamin B2 1000 MG.
    Nicotinic acid 6000 MG.
    Pantothenic acid 2000 MG.
    Vitamin B12 2 MG.
    Vitamin K3 300 MG.
    Folic acid 200 MG.
    Vitamin B6 300 MG.
    Biotin 10 MG.
    Cobalt 53 MG.
    Copper 1600 MG.
    Iron 6421 MG.
    Iodine 156 MG.
    Manganese 12800 MG.
    Selenium 32 MG.
    Zinc 10.000 MG.
    Choline chloride 100 GM.
    Ethoxyquine 1400 MG.
    Vitamins and minerals premix generally formulated to provide necessary elements for the health and growth of broilers. Suitable for the whole growing period.
    Dosage & Administration
    - 5KG/1000 KG broilers feed.
    5 & 25 KG.

    Broiler Premix 0.25%
    Feed Additive

    Each 2.5 kg contains:
    Vitamin A 12.000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 2.000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 10000 MG.
    Vitamin K3 2000 MG.
    Vitamin B1 1000 MG.
    Vitamin B2 5000 MG.
    Vitamin B6 1500 MG.
    Pantothenic acid 10000 MG.
    Vitamin B12 10 MG.
    Choline chloride 500 GM.
    Niacin 30.000 MG.
    Biotin 50 MG.
    Folic acid 1000 MG.
    Zinc 50 GM.
    Manganese 60 GM.
    Iron 30 GM.
    Copper 10 GM.
    Iodine 1 GM.
    Selenium 0.1 GM.
    Cobalt 0.1 GM.
    Ethoxyquine 3000 MG.
    A balanced formula containing vitamins, trace elements and minerals necessary for the health of broilers and excellent growth rates and feed conversion.
    Dosage & Administration
    - 2.5KG/1000 KG broilers feed.
    5 & 25 KG.

    Choline Chloride
    Feed Additive

    Each KG contain:
    Choline Chloride 500 GM.
    - Choline Chloride plays an indispensable role in many vital biochemical reactions inside the body such as synthesis of phospholipids, methylation reactions and fat depletion in the liver.
    - Therefore regular daily intake of choline is necessary for the health of animals and poultry, as deficiency of choline chloride leads to :
    - Growth retardation specially in young animals
    - Disturbed fat metabolism evidenced by fatty liver.
    - Perosis and slipped tendons in chicks and turkeys.
    - Decrease egg production and hatchability.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Poultry: 1-2 kg / ton feed.
    - Calves: 1-2 kg / ton feed.
    - The quantity added to the feed depends on the type, and age of the animal and composition of feed.
    25 KG.

    Layer Premix 0.5%
    Feed Additive

    Each KG. contains:
    Vitamin A 2.000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 400.000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 4000 MG.
    Vitamin B1 200 MG.
    Vitamin B2 1000 MG.
    Nicotinic acid 6000 MG.
    Pantothenic acid 2000 MG.
    Vitamin B12 2 MG.
    Vitamin K3 300 MG.
    Folic acid 200 MG.
    Vitamin B6 300 MG.
    Biotin 10 MG.
    Cobalt 40 MG.
    Copper 1200 MG.
    Iron 6000 MG.
    Iodine 117 MG.
    Manganese 12000 MG.
    Selenium 24 MG.
    Zinc 10.000 MG.
    Choline chloride 100 GM.
    Ethoxyquine 1400 MG.
    Vitamins and minerals premix generally formulated to provide necessary elements for a satisfactory health of layers and excellent laying performance. Suitable for pullets and layers feed.
    Dosage & Administration
    - 5 KG/1000 KG Layers feed.
    5 & 25 KG.

    Layer Premix 0.25%
    Feed Additive

    Each 2.5 kg contains:
    Vitamin A 10.000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 2.000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 10.000 MG.
    Vitamin K3 1000 MG.
    Vitamin B1 1000 MG.
    Vitamin B2 5000 MG.
    Vitamin B6 1500 MG.
    Pantothenic acid 10000 MG.
    Vitamin B12 10 MG.
    Choline chloride 500 GM.
    Niacin 30.000 MG.
    Biotin 50 MG.
    Folic acid 1000 MG.
    Zinc 50 GM.
    Manganese 60 GM.
    Iron 30 GM.
    Copper 4 GM.
    Iodine 0.3 GM.
    Selenium 0.1 GM.
    Cobalt 0.1GM.
    Ethoxyquine 3000 MG.
    A balanced formula containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for the health of layers and excellent laying performance.
    Dosage & Administration
    - 2.5KG/1000 KG layers feed.
    5 & 25 KG.

    Zinc Bacitracin
    Feed Additive

    Each 100 GM contain:
    Zinc bacitracin 10 GM.
    - It is a bactericidal antibiotic affects most Gram +ve bacteria including staph , strept species, corynibacterium species and few Gram -ve cocci as well as treponema species.
    - Adding of Zinc bacitracin as prophylaxis in feed destroys most pathogenic intestinal Gram +ve bacteria thus improves growth and weight gain, feed efficiency becomes improved for poultry and animals.
    Dosage & Administration
    - Thoroughly mixed with feed .
    - Laying hens: 150 - 1000 gm / ton feed.
    - Broilers up to 4 weeks age: 50 - 500 gm / ton feed.
    - Broilers from 5 up to 16 weeks age:
    50 - 200 gm / ton feed.
    - turkeys up to 4 weeks age: 50 - 500 gm / ton feed.
    - Turkeys from 5 up to 26 weeks age:
    50 - 200 gm / ton feed.
    - Rabbits: 50 - 200 gm / ton feed.
    - Ducks, Geese & Pigeons up to 4 weeks age: 50 - 500 gm / ton feed.
    - Ducks, Geese & Pigeons from 5 up to 16 weeks age: 50 - 200 gm / ton feed.
    - Calves & lambs up to 16 weeks age:
    50 - 500 gm / ton feed.
    - Calves & lambs from 17 weeks up to 6 months age: 50 - 200 gm / ton feed.
    Precautions & Warnings
    - Should not be added to feed contains any other antibiotics.
    - Avoid direct contact with skin during handling.
    - Wash hands after handling.


    Adevit - C Injection

    Each 100 ML contains:
    Vitamin A 10 000 000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 1 000 000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 6 000 MG.
    Vitamin C 20 000 MG. Indications - It is used to control symptoms and diseases caused by deficiency of A.D.E.C. vitamins resulting in an optimum feed conversion ,milk yeild, weight gain and increases fertility in animals.
    - It is also as supportive therapy for infections and metabolic diseases. Dosage & Administration - Cattle& horse: 5 ml daily.
    - Calves,foals,sheep&goats: 2-3ml daily.
    - These doses are given either by I.M. or S.C. injection can be repeated daily for 3-5 days. Packing 10 & 100 ML.

    W.D.P. Composition Each GM. Contains:
    Vit A 5000 I.U.
    Vit D3 500 I.U.
    Vit E 5 mg.
    Ascorbic Acid 10 mg.
    Vit B1 1.5 mg.
    Vit B2 1.5 mg.
    VitB6 0.5 mg.
    Vit B12 0.025 mg.
    D Calcium Pantothenate 6 mg.
    Folic Acid 0.2 mg.
    Nicotinamide 2 mg.
    Antioxidant 20 mg. Indications Vitamin mixture is used orally in drinking water in cases of stress which may occure after vaccination, treatment from coccidiosis, worm infestations & bacterial and viral infections in poultry. Dosage & Administration - 0.5 gm /1 lit of drinking water for 5-7 days.
    - The Medicated water used as a sole source for drinking within 24 hours. Packing 100&1000 GM.

    Liquivit A D3 E
    Liquid Composition Each 100 ML contains:
    Vitamin A 10 000 000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 2 000 000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 2 GM. Indications - An oral preparation used for prevention and treatment of symptoms resulting from deficiency of vitamins A, D3 & E.
    - In case of stress: During and after treatment of viral, bacterial, parasitic diseases and coccidiosis.
    - In prevention and treatment of: rickets, bone deformities, decreased egg-production, thin-shelled eggs, reduced hatchability, reduced food intake, weight loss, hyperkeratosis of mucous membranes of mouth, oesphagus and cornea due to vitamin A deficiency and growth retardation. Dosage & Administration - 1 ml / Liter of drinking water for 5-7 days.
    - The medicated water should be used within 24 hours
    W.D.P. Composition Each 1 KG Contains:
    Vitamin A 5000.000 I.U.
    Vitamin D3 500.000 I.U.
    Vitamin E 5 GM.
    Vitamin K3 1.5 GM.
    Vitamin C 25 GM.
    Vitamin B1 2 GM.
    Vitamin B2 2.5 GM.
    Vitamin B6 0.5 GM.
    Vitamin B12 0.01 GM.
    Pantothenic acid 8 GM.
    Folic acid 0.1 GM.
    Nicotonic acid 10 GM.
    Inositol 2 GM.
    Biotin 20 MG.
    Methionine 14.5 GM.
    Lysine 30 GM.
    Cystine 2.2 GM.
    Therionine 10 GM.
    Isoleucine 10 GM.
    Leucine 17 GM.
    Valine 12 GM.
    Histidine 4.6 GM.
    Phnylalanine 7 GM.
    Tryptophane 2 GM.
    Arginine 16.3 GM.
    Glycine 20 GM.
    Tyrosine 8 GM.
    Glutamic acid 54 GM.
    Aspartic acid 22 GM.
    Proline 12 GM.
    Serine 11 GM.
    Alanine 17 GM. Indications - A balanced formula containing vitamins & amino acids used for prevention and treatment of symptoms resulting from their deficiency during and after treatment of viral, bacterial and parasitic diseases.
    - It increases weight gain and egg production.
    - In animals, it used as a general tonic helping in weight gain and milk yield. Dosage & Administration - Vita-aminosol can be mixed with drinking water and milk.
    - Poultry:
    1 gm / liter of drinking water for 5 - 7 days.
    - Animals:
    5 gm daily for 5 - 10 days.
    - It can also be used with feed 500 gm / ton.
    - The medicated water should be used within 24 hours.
    - Medicated water should be the sole source for drinking. Packing 100 & 1000 GM.
    Vita Ject
    Injection Composition Each ML. Contains:
    Vit. A 15000 I.U.
    Vit. D3 1000 I.U.
    Vit. E 20 MG.
    Vit. B1 10 MG.
    Vit. B2 5 MG.
    Vit. B6 3 MG.
    Nicotinamide 35 MG.
    Dexpanthinol 25 MG.
    + Separate ampoule 1 ML contains:
    Vit. B12 5000 MCG. Indications For the treatment and prevention of avitaminoses, and for use during all stressful conditions. Dosage & Administration - By mixing the ampoule contents in the vial before injection.
    - For subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.
    - Calves: 7-10 ML.
    - Lambs: 3-5 ML.
    - These doses may be repeated 15 days intervals. Precautions & Warnings - Some animals may rarely show some slight allergic symptoms. These can be easily treated with antiallergic. Packing Vials 99 ML + Ampoule 1 ML.

    Vitamin A 500
    Feed Additive Composition Each GM contain:
    Vitamin A 500.000 I.U. Indications To be used in cases of vitamin A deficiency during stress, recovery from coccidiosis, bacterial and viral infections and to improve egg production in poultry. Dosage & Administration - 30 gm / ton feed. Packing 1 & 25 KG.

    Vitamin A D3 500/100
    Feed Additive Composition Each KG contains:
    Vitamin A 500 MILLION I.U.
    Vitamin D3 100 MILLION I.U. Indications To be used in cases of vitamin A & D3 deficiency, during stress, recovery from coccidiosis, bacterial and viral infections and to improve egg production in poultry. Dosage & Administration - 30 gm / ton feed. Packing 1 & 25 KG.

    Vitamin A D3 500/100
    Feed Additive Composition Each KG contains:
    Vitamin A 500 MILLION I.U.
    Vitamin D3 100 MILLION I.U. Indications To be used in cases of vitamin A & D3 deficiency, during stress, recovery from coccidiosis, bacterial and viral infections and to improve egg production in poultry. Dosage & Administration - 30 gm / ton feed. Packing 1 & 25 KG.

    Vitamin A D3 E
    Feed Additive Composition Each KG contains:
    Vitamin A 20 Million I.U.
    Vitamin D3 2 Million I.U.
    Vitamin E 2 GM. Indications For the prevention and treatment of symptoms resulting from deficiency of vitamin A, D3 and E in poultry and animals. Dosage & Administration - Poultry: 1 kg / ton of feed daily.
    - Calves: 1 - 1.5 kg / ton of feed daily.
    - Cattle: 7 - 15 gm / animal daily.
    - Horses: 2 - 2.5 gm / animal daily.
    - Sheep & Goats: 1 kg / ton of feed daily. Packing 1 & 25 KG.

    Vitamin B Complex + K3 + Choline
    Feed Additive Composition Each KG contains:
    Vitamin B1 500 MG.
    Vitamin B2 2000 MG.
    Vitamin B6 750 MG.
    Vitamin B12 5 MG.
    Vitamin K3 500 MG.
    Folic acid 500 MG.
    Choline chloride 250 GM. Indications Used in cases of stress and during the treatment of coccidiosis, worm infestation and bacterial and viral infections. Dosage & Administration - 2 kg/1000 kg feed. Packing 5 & 25 kg.

    Vitamin B Complex
    W.S.P. Composition Each gram contains:
    Vit. B1 2 MG.
    Vit. B2 4 MG.
    Vit. B6 2 MG.
    Vit. B12 0.1 MG.
    Vit. K3 2 MG.
    Calcium pantothenate 4 MG.
    Folic Acid 0.25 MG.
    Nicotinamide 20 MG. Indications - For oral treatment of symptoms resulting
    from Vit. B. complex deficiency such as:
    - General weakness, retarded growth diarrhea.
    - Dermatitis, infertility, decreased hatchability.
    - slippedtendon Poor food intake.
    - Perosis, circulatory system disturbances and enlargement in peak bones. Dosage & Administration - 1 gm/liter of drinking water for 5-7 days.
    - The medicated water should be used within 24 hours. Packing 1000 GM.

    Vitamin B + K3 + Choline
    W.S.P. Composition Each KG contains:
    Vitamin B1 5 GM.
    Vitamin B2 10 GM.
    Vitamin B6 5 GM.
    Vitamin B12 50 MG.
    Vitamin K3 10 GM.
    Nicotinamide 50 GM.
    Calcium pantothenate 25 GM.
    Folic acid 1 GM.
    Choline bitartarate 50 GM. Indications - Recommended for treatment and prevention of Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin K deficiency.
    - Used during and after stress.
    - After medication with antibiotics, or sulphonamides and after vaccination.
    - The product increases weight gain, egg production, hatchabiliy and milk yield. Dosage & Administration - Poultry: 1 gm /lit of drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Cattle and sheep: 2 - 5 gm / head for 5 - 7 days.
    - The medicated water should be used within 24 hours. Packing 100 & 1000 GM.

    Vitamin C 20%
    W.S.P. Composition Each 100 GM contain:
    Ascorbic Acid 20 GM. Indications - Vit. C is a water soluble vitamin used for tissue repair, it may involved with some oxidation - reduction reactions also with the metabolism of many substances (Iron, Folic acid, histamine phenylalanine, tyrosin).
    - Vit. C is believed to play a role in protein, lipid and creatine synthesis, maintaining blood vessel integrity, and immune function.
    - In poultry to reduce mortality rates, specially in hot weather, it also improves egg production, egg shell quality.
    - Fertility and increases resistance to diseases.
    - In animals specially Horses: After stress, hot weather and increases resistance to diseases. Dosage & Administration - Orally in drinking water for 3 - 5 days.
    - All species: 10 - 40 mg / kg B.Wt.
    - Poultry: 2 gm/lit drinking water daily.
    - Horses for replacement therapy after stress 20 gm daily.
    - Calves & lambs: 5 - 10 gm twice daily.
    - The medicated water should be used within 24 hours. Packing 100 & 1000 GM.

    Vitamin E 15%
    Liquid Indications Vit. E is used for the prevention and treatment of:
    - Poultry: Encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease) oedema - muscular dystrophy - testicular degeneration - also Vit. E is used to increase fertility, hatchability rate In breeder, egg production in layer, weight gain and to improve meat quality.
    - Animals: muscular dystrophy - white muscle disease and oedema.
    - Vit. E plays an important role as immumo-stimulant, so it is used during and after treatment of animals and poultry from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.
    - Vit. E act as antioxidant, so it added to feed containing high percentage of fats to prevent rancidity and to protect fatty tissues from oxidation. Dosage & Administration - Poultry: 0.75 ml /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Calves: 1.00 ml /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Lambs: 0.25 ml /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days

    Vitamin E 25%
    Liquid Indications Vit. E is used for the prevention and treatment of:
    - Poultry: Encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease) oedema - muscular dystrophy - testicular degeneration - also Vit. E is used to increase fertility, hatchability rate In breeder, egg production in layer, weight gain and to improve meat quality.
    - Animals: muscular dystrophy - white muscle disease and oedema.
    - Vit. E plays an important role as immumo-stimulant, so it is used during and after treatment of animals and poultry from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.
    - Vit. E act as antioxidant, so it added to feed containing high percentage of fats to prevent rancidity and to protect fatty tissues from oxidation. Dosage & Administration - Poultry: 0.50 ml /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Calves: 0.60 ml /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Lambs: 0.20 ml /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days. Packing

    Vitamin E 20%
    W.S.P. Indications Vit. E is used for the prevention and treatment of:
    - Poultry: Encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease) oedema - muscular dystrophy - testicular degeneration - also Vit. E is used to increase fertility, hatchability rate In breeder, egg production in layer, weight gain and to improve meat quality.
    - Animals: muscular dystrophy - white muscle disease and oedema.
    - Vit. E plays an important role as immumo-stimulant, so it is used during and after treatment of animals and poultry from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.
    - Vit. E act as antioxidant, so it added to feed containing high percentage of fats to prevent rancidity and to protect fatty tissues from oxidation. Dosage & Administration - Poultry: 0.50 gm /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Calves: 0.75 gm /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days.
    - Lambs: 0.25 gm /lit drinking water for 5 -7 days

    Vitamin E 500
    Feed Additive Indications Vit. E is used for the prevention and treatment of:
    - Poultry: Encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease) oedema - muscular dystrophy - testicular degeneration - also Vit. E is used to increase fertility, hatchability rate In breeder, egg production in layer, weight gain and to improve meat quality.
    - Animals: muscular dystrophy - white muscle disease and oedema.
    - Vit. E plays an important role as immumo-stimulant, so it is used during and after treatment of animals and poultry from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.
    - Vit. E act as antioxidant, so it added to feed containing high percentage of fats to prevent rancidity and to protect fatty tissues from oxidation. Dosage & Administration - Poultry: 300 mg /1 kg feed for 5 -7 days.
    - Calves: 300 mg /1 kg feed for 5 -7 days.
    - Lambs: 100 mg /1 kg feed for 5 -7 days

    Vit E 20% + Selenium
    W.S.P. Composition Each 100 GM contains:
    VIT. E 20 GM.
    Sodium selenite 80 MG.
    Vit. E 20% + Selenium is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases caused by Vit. E deficiency which do not respond to the treatment by Vit. E alone due to Selenium deficiency which has the similar symptoms of Vit. E deficiency, in addition Selenium accelerates the absorption role in immunological processes. Indications - Poultry: Encephalomalacia (crazy chick disease) oedema - muscular dystrophy, testicular degeneration - also Vit. E is used to increase fertility, hatchability rate In breeder, egg production In layers, weight gain and to improve meat quality in broilers.
    - Animals: muscular dystrophy - white muscle disease which leads to cardiac muscles dystrophy - decreased fertility and oedema.
    - Vit. E plays an important role as immumo-stimulant, so it is used during and after treatment of animals and poultry from bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.
    - Vit. E act as antioxidant, so it added to feed containing high percentage of fats to prevent rancidity and to product fatty tissues from oxidation. Dosage & Administration 0.5 gm/lit drinking water for 3 - 5 days.

    Vitselen 15
    Injection Composition Each 100 ML contains:
    Vit. E 15 GM.
    Sodium selenite 167 MG. Indications - By I.M or S/C injection.
    - Calves , sheep & Lambs: 1.0 - 5.0 ml one dose
    - Dogs & Cats: 0.2 - 0.5 ml one dose. Packing - Vitamin E 20% + Selenium: 100 & 1000 GM.
    - Vitselen 15% injection: 10 & 100 ML.

    Vitamin K3
    W.S.P. Composition Each 100 GM. contain:
    Manadion Sodium Bisulphite 20 GM. Indications - Use in the treatment and prevention of haemorrhages resulting from Vit.K deficiency or after treatment with Sulphonamides.
    - Used in case of cocciodiosis. Dosage & Administration - The dose is adjusted according to age:
    - 1 - 3 weeks: 1 gm/lit.of drinking water.
    - 4 - 8 weeks: 0.6 gm/lit.of drinking water.
    - 9 - 20 weeks: 0.4 gm/lit.of drinking water.
    - Adults chicken: 0.25 gm/lit.of drinking water.
    The above mentioned doses are given for
    1 - 2 weeks.
    - For prophylaxis, use half the treatment doses.
    - The medicated water should be used within 24 hours. Packing 100 & 1000 GM.


    Injection Composition Each ML contain:
    Oxytocin 10 I.U.
    - Oxytocin is a hormone , influencing sensiblized uterine musculature at the time of parturition , and few days after parturition.
    - Oxytocin facilitates parturition process expulsion of featus and placenta also helps in uterin involution.
    - Oxytocin helps the udder musculature to contract and let down of milk. Indications - Primary and secondary uterine inertia .
    - Acceleration of normal parturition .
    - Prolapse of uterus .
    - Metritis.
    - Haemorrhage of uterus
    - Retention of Placenta .
    - Prophlaxis of puerperal fever.
    - To initiate lactation
    - Mastitis : to allow complete evacuation of residual milk in the udder.
    - For hens in case of egg retention ( in case not older than 4 days). Dosage & Administration - For I.M. , S.C. or slow I.V. injection .
    - Mare , She donkey & Cow: 1-5 ml.
    - Ewe & goat: 0.2-1 ml.
    - Bitch & Cats: 0.1-0.5 ml.
    - When injected intravenously , use half of the dosage recommended above and inject slowly.
    - If necessary, repeat after 2-4 hours intervals.
    - To promote milk letdown after parturition: double the dose. Precautions & Warnings - I.V.I. should be slowly. Packing 10 ML.

    Powder Composition Each 100 GM. Contain:
    Alpha- amino - p- hydroxyhydrocinnamic
    acid : 100 GM. Indications - Gonadotrophin stimulant.
    - Inactive ovaries of animals.
    - Delayed postpartum oestrus (Heat).
    - Stimulates the postpartum ovarian activity (one dose can be administered 2 weeks after parturition).
    - Increases the number and weight of Foeti in multiparious animals.
    - Accelerates the pre and post pubertal body growth.
    - Enhancement of puberty for both females and males.
    - Improves the fertility of males (increase the Libido and sperm output). Dosage & Administration - A single dose of one gm/10 kg. B.wt. is given orally either dissolved in 200 ml of drinking water or mixed with feed.
    - The dose can be repeated after 10 days if necessary. Packing 50 GM.
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